Monday, 11 February 2013

Maulud Nabi (January 25,2013)


Recently, we celebrated Maulidur Rasul (May peace be upon him). It is a very important day in the Islamic Calendar to celebrate the birth of our Prophet (May Peace Be Upon Him), and as we celebrate this Holy day, we also get to do our usual "silaturrahim", in which we meet and greet all the society members, and ate dinner made by our own committee members and Kiki's DELICIOUS cake!

Before I Forget, Let me introduce to you, the COMPLETE committee members:
(L>R : Zul, Yazid, Zulhilmi, Fikriyah, Haziqah, Emmy)
DELICIOUS, Right? (By Kiki)

Finally, A video about this event, made by our former president [2011/12] , Nazirul Syarqawi,

Have a great day and hope to see you soon xxx


Fikriyah H Ibrahim

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