Sunday, 9 January 2011

Update! Northeast Games (NEG)

Assalamualaikum dan hello semua,

As these are busy times to meet deadlines of assignments and exam preparations and revisions for most of us. I hope you are doing fantastic with your revisions and assignments!

Regarding the Northeast Games (NEG) which has been planned to be held in April - I understand most of you have been asked by friends from other parts of the UK or even, have been asking each other regarding this event.

So, with regard to the NEG's current status, we are currently in the process of processing our proposals for sponsorship; in which, the NEG can only proceed upon receiving sponsors. We will keep you all updated with the NEG's progress. InsyAllah (:

Also, I would like to wish you a happy new year, and all the best with your exam preparations, assignments and the upcoming exams. Semoga berjaya with excellent results, Amin!

With love,
Atiqah Ismail,
Vice President,
Brunei Newcastle Society 10/11